Rules & Regulations

    Region XII Spotlight Stallion Futurity Auction & Halter/Performance Futurity – Download Rules Here

    I. Rules for the auction and subsequent nominations

    A. Right Holders: A right holder of a nominated stallion must be a member in good standing of a Region 12 AHA Club. As such, the Right Holder will be entitled to:

    1. The nomination of two stallions sponsored by the right holder into the Region XII Spotlight Stallion Futurity Program.
    2. The transfer or sale their “Right” at their discretion as long as they are in good standing with Region XII, AHA, and USEF.

    B. Stallion Nomination Requirements

    1. A Spotlight Stallion Nomination allows a nominated stallion to be entered in the Region XII Spotlight Auction. The stallion owner is donating one (1) breeding to the Region XII Spotlight Auction. With this nomination, there is the potential for two (2) Auction Certificates for each individual stallion. The stallion owner will receive one “Auction Owner Certificate (yellow)” to be used the year following the Auction. The purchaser of the stallion’s breeding at the Auction will receive the “Auction Purchaser Certificate (blue)” to be used the year following the Auction. In the event of a “no- sale” at the Spotlight Auction, the owner of the stallion is responsible for a minimum of $500 fee for their stallion. The stallion owner can, instead of paying the minimum fee, decide to purchase the breeding and pay the $600 bid for their stallion’s breeding to receive the “Auction Purchaser Certificate”.

    2. Stallion Nomination forms can be found on our Forms and Regulations page on our website

    3. Right Holders are required to either nominate a stallion under their right every year or pay the nomination fee. The cost for this nomination is $500. If the right holder does not currently own a stallion, they may choose to nominate a substitute stallion under their right or reach out to the Spotlight board to find a stallion who is looking for an available right to be nominated under.

    4. Stallion nominations are due by December 31, to be included in all of the Spotlight Advertising promotion opportunities. Nominations for any stallion participating in the Silent/Live Auction must be submitted no later than April 1st. *Later entries will be accepted with these stipulations: (a) A stallion nomination will be accepted after the April 1st deadline but the stallion will not be eligible to participate in the silent auction and will instead move directly to the Live Auction with the following stipulations (see b,c and d); (b) every stallion to compete in the Live Auction must reach a minimum bid of $1000.00 prior to the Live Auction. (c) since late entries will not be permitted in the Silent Auction, it will be the stallion owners responsibility to guarantee a minimum bid of $1000 at the Live Auction (d) the $1000 guaranteed minimum bid, is in addition to the $500 stallion nomination fee.

    5. A stallion must have been nominated in to the Spotlight Auction Program prior to the auction of the nominating year for a mare to be eligible to be nominated without penalty to the Stallion Owner.

    6. There is no limit to how many mares can be nominated to any stallion.

    C. Mare Nomination Requirements

    1. Any purebred mare carrying a foal by a Spotlight nominated stallion is eligible to be nominated in to the Spotlight program. This nomination will allow the resulting foal to be eligible to compete in non-Auction Spotlight Futurity classes, both halter and performance.

    2. To nominate an Auction eligible foal, follow the Mare Nomination protocol (see #4) and include either your Auction Owner Certificate or Auction Purchaser Certificate with your nomination form and payment.

    3. The mare must be registered with the Arabian Horse Association or Canadian Arabian Horse Registry.

    4. The Mare Nomination Form must be completed and mailed, with payment of $100, on or before Dec. 31st of the year the mare was bred.

    5. ** Late entries will be accepted until Jan.31st with a late nomination fee of $250 and a signed letter from a vet stating the mare has not yet foaled and the estimated foaling date.

    6. Embryo Transfer Mare are eligible to nominate multiple foals. A separate nomination fee and form is due for every inutero foal being entered.

    D. Auction Breeding

    1. Foals resulting from a breeding purchased at the Region XII Spotlight Stallion Auction will be eligible to compete in the Region XII Spotlight Yearling Auction class. The dam must be:

    a. Nominated into the auction class before December 31 of the year following the auction. The Winning Bidder will receive a Yellow Certificate the year of breeding to pair with their mare nomination.

    2. Each Stallion Owner that has a nominated breeding that sells at auction will be given an Auction Breeding Certificate that will allow him one entry into the Auction Class sired by the stallion that has been nominated into the Spotlight Futurity. This Blue Certificate can be sold or transferred to a different person and will be required to follow the mare that is actually bred within the stated breeding year.

    3. Auction eligible foals will also be eligible to enter the Region XII Spotlight Yearling class (a non-auction class), 2 year old halter classes, and all Performance Classes for the $100.00 nomination fee postmarked by December 31 of the breeding year.

    4. Only one Mare Nomination for each auction breeding can be submitted. Embryo Transfer (ET) Mare Nominations are required to designate recipient mare prior to December 31 of breeding year.

    5. Auction Roll Over – Any person that purchases an auction breeding has the one time option, if needed, to roll the breeding over to the following year. Notice of the roll over will need to be given, in writing, to the Spotlight Secretary. This is a one-time roll over and can’t be rolled over in a subsequent year for any reason including death of a mare or unborn foal. The auction money will remain with the original year.

    II. Rules for Judging and Showing in Halter and Performance

    A. Region XII Spotlight Stallion Futurity and Auction Program shall be divided into two sections:

    1. Region XII Spotlight Stallion Halter Futurity Program
    2. Region XII Spotlight Stallion Performance Division Program

    B. Only the purebred get from the stallions sponsored by Right Holders of the Region XII Spotlight Stallion Futurity are eligible.

    C. Handlers

    1. Eligible foals for the Spotlight Yearling Auction Class must be shown AOTH. Exceptions will be made for the following:

    a. Owners that are 65 years of age or older

    b. Owners that have medical issues as verified by a Doctor’s Certificate could designate another Amateur to show their entry. This certificate must be submitted and confirmed received by the Program prior to the start of the class.

    c. In the case, where a qualified owner amateur has more than one entry in a given Spotlight Futurity class, and there is a split of that class to accommodate a larger number of participants, a qualified amateur owner participant is given the option to show one entry per section if sections are necessary for the Spotlight Futurity yearling classes. Entry is limited to one entry per section and the option is only available if sections are necessary for the yearling classes. Should multiple entries make the cut from the sections to return to the finals, a qualified alternate amateur handler can be selected to show additional section winners. (New exception added by a unanimous vote of BOD 3/31/15). This rule does not supersede or replace other Futurity rules already in place.

    d. If an individual, or household, finds themselves with more than one foal nominated and qualified to be shown in either the Auction Yearling Filly or Auction Yearling Colt class in the same calendar year, the participating owner will have the ability to select any qualified amateur handler to show the additional entry/entries as long as they themselves are showing an entry in the class. The selected amateur handler must be qualified under USEF rules to show any qualified and nominated entries. Right holder voted and Approved July 2015.

    e. A person deemed as professional by USEF and AHA that participates in the Spotlight Auction by purchasing an Auction Breeding or Nominating a Stallion into the Auction, is allowed to select any amateur handler qualified under USEF rules to show any nominated and qualified entries in the Spotlight Auction Classes. Right holder voted and approved July 2015.

    2. Spotlight Non-Auction Yearling classes are all ATH

    3. Spotlight 2 year old Halter classes are all ATH

    4. Performance

    a. Junior Horse-3 and 4 year olds can be shown by Amateurs or Professionals
    b. Maturity-5 year olds are all ATR

    D. Halter Judging will be done by a 3 Judge System-The MOS, Sequential elimination and/or modified European System may be used. One exception will be that no more than 20 Yearlings will be shown in any one semi-final section. Judging system for each year will be published in the Prize List.

    E. In the halter classes, the handler showing the foals must hold current USEF and AHA membership cards with amateur certification. No professional handlers will be allowed to show halter. Professional handlers will be allowed to show in the 3 to 4 year old performance classes ONLY.

    F. All Spotlight Futurity Performance classes are restricted to horses that have previously been nominated into the Spotlight Futurity.

    a. Spotlight Futurity English Pleasure, 3 & 4 YO Open. Open to three and four year old Spotlight nominated horses. Will follow USEF and AHA rules and class specifications for Country English Pleasure Junior Horse; full bridle, snaffle bit and martingale are optional. Country English Pleasure and English Pleasure horses may enter this class. September 2015

    b. Spotlight Futurity English Pleas Maturity, 5 YO – ATR. Open to five year old Spotlight nominated horses.Will follow USEF and AHA rules and class specifications for Country English Pleasure Junior Horse; full bridle, snaffle bit and martingale are optional. Country English Pleasure and English Pleasure horses may enter this class. September 2015

    c. Spotlight Futurity Hunter Pleasure, 3 & 4 YO, Open. Will follow USEF and AHA rules and class specifications for Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse.

    d. Spotlight Futurity Hunter Pleasure Maturity, 5 YO – ATR. Will follow USEF and AHA rules and class specifications for Hunter Pleasure Junior Horse.

    e. Spotlight Futurity Western Pleasure, 3 & 4 YO, Open. Will follow USEF and AHA rules and class specifications for Western Pleasure Junior Horse.

    f. Spotlight Futurity Western Pleasure, 5 YO – ATR. Will follow USEF and AHA rules and class specifications for Western Pleasure ATR.

    G. Prize money will be awarded in each division (See Section III).

    III. Prize Money

    A. Source of funds

    1. Region XII Spotlight Auction – Proceeds shall be divided accordingly:

    a. 45% Spotlight Auction Yearling classes
    b. 15% Spotlight Non-auction Yearling classes
    c. 20% Spotlight Performance Division
    d. 20% Spotlight Program expenses

    2. Nomination of Mares at $100.00 each go to the Spotlight two-year old Futurity classes (3 classes –colts, geldings & fillies)

    3. Nomination of Stallions at $500 each – proceeds divided accordingly:

    a. 50% goes into the non-auction Yearling, Colts/Geldings and Fillies class (two classes)
    b. 50% goes into the Spotlight Performance classes (six classes. 3 & 4 year old EP, HP & WP, and 5 year old EP, HP & WP)

    B. Allocation of Prize money by class

    1. Region XII Spotlight Yearling Auction Futurity Classes (First Shown in May 2010)

    a. Two Classes will be offered; one for fillies and one for colts/geldings
    b. The prize money for these classes will come from 45% of the stallion auction funds and will be divided between these two classes
    c. A Top Ten will be chosen along with a Champion and Reserve

    i. Champion: Champion 35.0%
    ii. Reserve Champion 17.5%
    iii. Top Ten 47.5% (divided by 8)

    d. In the event there are less than ten yearlings in a class, the percentage will stay the same for those placed, and the remaining prize money will be added to the following year’s performance division.

    2. Region XII Spotlight Yearling Futurity Classes (First Show in May 2008)

    a. Prize money for the Yearling Futurity classes will be comprised of the following:

    i. 50% of the Spotlight Stallion nominations from year breeding season.
    ii. 15% of the Spotlight Stallion Auction proceeds (previous breeding year’s auction).
    iii. The top Twenty Finalists (11-20), both colts and fillies, will receive $100.
    iv. The remainder of the prize money will be divided equally between colts and fillies and awarded to each as follows:

    1. Champion 50.0%
    2. Reserve Champion 17.5%
    3. Top Ten 47.5%(divided by 8)

    v. In the event there are less than ten yearlings in a class, the percentage will stay the same for those placed, and the remaining prize money will be added to the following year’s performance division.

    3. Region XII Spotlight Two Year-Old Futurity (First Show in May 2009)

    a. Prize money for the Two Year Old Futurity classes will be comprised of Mare nominations.
    b. The remainder of the prize money will be divided equally between colts, geldings and fillies and awarded to each as follows:

    i.  Champion 35.0%
    ii. Reserve Champion 17.5%
    iii. Remainder of Top Ten 47.5% (divided by 8)

    c. In the event there are less than ten two year olds in a class, the percentage will stay the same for that place, and the remaining prize money will be added to the following year’s performance division.

    4. Region XII Spotlight Performance Division (First shown in May 2009)

    a. Prize money for the Performance classes will be comprised of the following:

    i. 50% of the Region XII Spotlight Stallion nominations to the Performance Division

    ii. 20% of the Region XII Spotlight Stallion Auction proceeds collected to the Performance division.

    iii. The Top Five Places will receive prize money divided equally between classes (except entries being added to each individual class) and awarded to each as follows: Champion 35%Reserve Champion 25%Remainder of Top Five 40%(divided by 3)

    iv. In the event there are less than five horses in a class, the percentage will stay the same for those placed, and the remaining prize money will be added to the following years performance classes..

    v. Three and Four year old performance classes will be open to all riders professional or amateur, five year old classes will be open to Amateurs Only.