2023 Unanimous US National Champion Western Pleasure
Khohinoor MW is also the 2023 MidSummer National and 2022 US National Reserve Champion Western Pleasure and a National Champion in Western Pleasure Junior Horse and twice Scottsdale Champion Western Pleasure open.
Khohinoor’s amazing attitude is undeniable, as demonstrated by his 2023 Region 2 Championship in the Western Pleasure AATR Select with his owner Marta Wasiak, and by his Championship in the Scottsdale Signature Stallion Western Pleasure ATR Futurity while still being show in the Junior Horse division.
Khohinoor’s pedigree carries the blood of Khadraj NA, Sundance Kid V, Fame VF, Padron, Bay El Bey and Raffon, so he was born to produce western horses. His sire, multi-National Champion Kharismatic PGA+//, has been an exceptional show and breeding horse. His dam is a 6-time National Champion daughter of Sundance Kid V. Khohinoor’s foals consistently have his look, with big eyes, dark color, long necks and athletic ability.